Spieleschmiede is a crowdfunding platform for all kinds of creative board gaming ideas. Learn more!
529 of 561 projects sucessfully funded (statistics)

30285 smiths collected 10.123.582 € cash to support board game culture.

About Spieleschmiede (Game Forge)

Together we bring board games to life

Spieleschmiede (game forge) is a platform created by board game enthusiasts for board game enthusiasts. Together we support and finance projects related to board gaming and the board games that we like, which the publishers think are too risky to produce with a normal print run. With our help these games can become reality.

Spieleschmiede does that via a principle called crowd funding. Everyone who likes a project can become a smithy and contribute money to the project. The contributions of all of the smiths are then combined to finance the project.

In most cases, game smiths get a reward for their contribution. Usually, these are copies of the game and exclusive material to expand it.

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